Leonardi Travel Diary

Travel Day: Marseille -- Barcelona

Europe, Spain, Barcelona | 04 August 2013

Today was a pretty uneventful day. This was the first time the entire trip we took an airplane to our next city, so that was a new experience. Jon's dad was kind enough to drive us to the airport in the morning to save us a pretty expensive cab ride. When we got to the airport, we grabbed a quick bite, and checked in. We flew Vueling; it was cheap and good! We had heard horror stories about Ryan Air charging 80 Euros if your suitcase had a broken wheel, or forcing you to pay for an extra carryon if you were holding a sweatshirt/camera/etc. Vueling had none of that! They took our bags without trouble, the plane was as good or better than most jet blue planes (minus the TV though), and the staff was polite and helpful. Great experience.

Upon landing in Barcelona, we hopped in a cab and headed to the hotel. The fare was cheaper than we expected, so our our last stop was already going well.

Once we got settled at the hotel we met up with Lucia's mom (Lorena) and then Ari later on. We did some shopping (one of our suit cases is in rough shape), but didn't end up buying anything. A nice all-you-can-eat sushi (shout out to Matt Leach!) dinner topped off a relaxing travel day, and we were off to sleep!

There aren't many pictures (read "any") of our first couple days in Barcelona...I kept forgetting the camera =(

Check out our other entries from: Europe, Spain, Barcelona